somewhere in the hills of winter
lies my heart
not frozen by the snow that carpets the ground
and tinsels the bare branches of the trees
rather melting for itself a perfect circle
in the white and winter world around
with a red, delicious glowing warmth
that coaxes the green from the winter grass
and gently pops the dandelions from sleeping seeds
not a false spring does my heart create
rather a spring of my own choosing
a spring i carry within myself
and can uncrate as easily as a weary hiker
can erect his tent
then roll up and dangle from his back
when the time comes to travel on
i am my own seasons
a spring of youth and love and growing
a summer of work and travel
a fall of quiet resting beneath browned trees
and a winter of revenge and bitterness
each season comes and goes at my command
without regard to sun and moon or
curious signs in farmer’s almanacs
often the order is reversed---and often
more than one is at a time
but they are mine
i am content to know them always
i am content to be myself forever
it was not always so
but the turning of the clock
and the rattling pages of my calendar
have worn the rough edges from my dissatisfaction
i no longer want an endless
summer of work
or delight too long in hateful winter’s vengeance
i would be bored with constant springtime sex
and, though i am a lazy beast by nature,
fall’s resting is not my idea of heaven
i need all four---or five or more
as i explore myself
down through the halls of my mortality
i am content to whistle in the wind
and know that i alone can catch the tune
i am content to shed my cocoon never
i am content to be myself forever